Red Card

In the Merry Month of May, our B.A.D. Volunteer of the Month is another one of our officials, Red Card! Red is one of our newer NSOs, and has already demonstrated an
ability to quickly pick up a new skill, and is becoming one of our more reliable officials. A fellow official says of her, “She is super eager to learn about how the game works from every angle. Always willing to hop in and help with anything that the league needs.”

And what does the league need? Well, sometimes we need someone handy with metalworking tools. And as someone pointed out, Red “makes things with metal and fire, and that's pretty [darn] cool.” And that skill is what earned her this nomination, for her work leveling the floor in our practice space, spending hours grinding down various bits of metal that made our floor lumpy and adventuresome. Red has also worked with our Facilities manager on other livability projects, including pigeon mitigation. 'cause nothing makes skating more unpleasant that pigeons and…well, just, pigeons.  

For being willing, skilled, handy, and for seemingly always wanting “to learn a smarter, better, more efficient way to do a job if she see's that one of us has one,” we honor Red Card as this month's B.A.D. Volunteer of the Month!

What’s your gubmint name (the one on your birth certificate)?

Brittnee Jones

Do you have a derby name? How’d you get it?

Yes, Red Card.  I was always Red growing up in soccer camps as it was easy for

everyone to remember (given the red hair), so I was definitely using that.  And my

partner suggested “Red Card” as a tribute to soccer.   It immediately stuck.  Plus it’s fun

to be Red Card as an NSO.  

What do you do when you’re not supporting the Bay Area Derby Girls?  

Sciencey things for my day job. And I work on big crazy flaming metal art stuff in any

other free time. (Yes, for burning man but for other things too). I’ll throw a plug in for the

Flaming Lotus Girls!  I love ’em!

How did you become involved with our league? How long have you been with us? 

My partner got me to go to some bouts last season. I immediately realized these are my

people: highly motivated warehouse athletic types. I was enamored.  

Do you have a favorite derby moment or one thing you are most proud of? 

Um, not really. I’m a super newby, so I’m still earning my stripes. 🙂

If you had one super power what would it be? Would you use it for good or evil? 

Right now, I’d wanna be able to control the weather. Team California needs rain. 

Where would you love to live, if not in the Bay Area?

I’ve done my fair share of traveling for work, and it made me realize this is really home.  I

have no idea what’s next but there really isn’t a place I would love to live right now

except here.  When there is, I’ll move there.  

Who’s your derby crush?

Prolly (former ShEvil #52) Kid Ace.  She’s an amazing trainer and super great human all

around. And she somehow magically has that wind blown hair look after killing it in a


What’s your personal goal for 2015 (derby or otherwise)?

Hopefully my knee will heal and I can make the league.  That’s the dream.

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